Buyer's Catalog
Here is a link to our new catalog.
Zone: 8
6 banks = $51.36(our cost) vs $67.95(regular shipping cost) $16.59 savings
12 banks= $63.44(our cost) vs $105.59(regular shipping cost) $42.15 savings
18 banks= $85.94(our cost) vs $184.96(regular shipping cost) $99.02 savings
24 banks= $89.43(our cost) vs $211.74(regular shipping cost) $122.31 savings
Zone: 7
6 banks = $49.57(our cost) vs $62.26(regular shipping cost) $12.69 savings
12 banks= $62.43(our cost) vs $92.83(regular shipping cost) $30.40 savings
18 banks= $84.29(our cost) vs $176.37(regular shipping cost) $92.08 savings
24 banks= $88.60(our cost) vs $201.87(regular shipping cost) $113.27 savings
Zone: 6
6 banks = $41.26(our cost) vs $50.69(regular shipping cost) $9.43 savings
12 banks= $54.43(our cost) vs $77.63(regular shipping cost) $23.20 savings
18 banks= $72.05(our cost) vs $156.06(regular shipping cost) $84.01 savings
24 banks= $76.46(our cost) vs $179.36(regular shipping cost) $102.09 savings
Zone: 5
6 banks = $36.28(our cost) vs $39.67(regular shipping cost) $3.39 savings
12 banks= $50.46(our cost) vs $65.87(regular shipping cost) $15.41 savings
18 banks= $66.77(our cost) vs $139.53(regular shipping cost) $72.76 savings
24 banks= $70.70(our cost) vs $164.00(regular shipping cost) $93.30 savings
Zone: 4
6 banks = $32.49(our cost) vs $33.30(regular shipping cost) $0.81 savings
12 banks= $45.12(our cost) vs $53.36(regular shipping cost) $8.24 savings
18 banks= $60.38(our cost) vs $129.87(regular shipping cost) $69.49 savings
24 banks= $64.87(our cost) vs $158.15(regular shipping cost) $93.28 savings
Zone: 3
6 banks = $28.50(our cost) vs $29.47(regular shipping cost) $0.97 savings
12 banks= $38.99(our cost) vs $46.31(regular shipping cost) $7.32 savings
18 banks= $57.20(our cost) vs $123.24(regular shipping cost) $66.04 savings
24 banks= $60.74(our cost) vs $150.71(regular shipping cost) $89.97 savings
Zone: 2
6 banks = $23.41(our cost) vs $25.12(regular shipping cost) $1.71 savings
12 banks= $33.39(our cost) vs $35.86(regular shipping cost) $2.47 savings
18 banks= $52.85(our cost) vs $118.01(regular shipping cost) $65.16 savings
24 banks= $55.50(our cost) vs $145.03(regular shipping cost) $89.53 savings
Don’t Forget To Shop Our Deco Pens To Personalize Your Piggy Banks